“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass.

It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

-Vivian Greene

Chronic Illness Therapy

Have you ever tried to explain to friends or family what it is like living with a chronic illness, disability, or mental health concern? “The Spoon Theory” was written by Christine Miserando as a way to explain her own struggles with invisible illness. In it, she uses spoons as a metaphor for the limited amounts of physical and mental energy she has available for tasks throughout the day. Dr. Sabrina Stutz understands that it takes precious energy and effort to take care of your mental health and wellness. She strives to honor the trust you put in her and deliver returns on your energy investment by tracking progress, using proven science-backed methods, customizing treatment plans, and adjusting her chronic illness therapy approaches to fit your own unique needs. The last thing you want to do with your spoons (or energy) is explain your illness to yet another person who is supposed to help. Dr. Stutz already speaks the same medical language as families and providers do around chronic health stress, and has the expertise to support and guide you through the unique challenges of your medical condition.

Child Cancer Therapy | Mother and childhood cancer survivor embrace

Coping with Illness

Change in Appearance | Change in Routines | Family & Sibling Support | Life After Cancer | Finding New Meaning | Identity changes | Adolescent & Young Adult Issues |

Hospital Patient Holds Hands With Chronic Illness Therapist

Major Medical Events

Solid Organ Transplant | Stem-Cell Transplant | Chemotherapy | Radiation | Major Surgeries | Dialysis | Medical Devices (VAD, ICD, etc.) | Resection |

Needle phobia therapy in Orange County, California

Procedural Anxiety

Blood or Injection Phobia | Pill Swallowing | Catheterization | Mask Desensitization | Dressing Changes | Fear of Medical Settings or Professionals

Mother of child with chronic illness shows family support

 Families & Siblings

Caregiver Burnout | Sibling Support | Coparenting | Balancing Family Needs with Medical Demands | Finding a New Normal After Diagnosis

Medical Trauma Therapy | A sprout of green in the desert

Medical Trauma

Traumatic Hospitalization | Loss of Functioning | Witnessing a Medical Trauma | Unexpected Outcomes | Frightening Medical Event

Medical Adherence Therapy | Boy uses nebulizer joyfully

Medical Habit-Building

Taking Medication Regularly | Tolerating Vests/Nebulizers | Diet & Exercise | Remembering Medical Tasks | Making & Keeping Appointments | Motivation Support

Therapy for bullying Orange County

Looking Different

Craniofacial Differences | Burns & Scars | Amputations | Genetic Conditions | Musculoskeletal Conditions | Bullying | Self-Esteem

Palliative Care Therapy | Dandelion in the wind

Death & Dying

Life-Threatening or Life-Limiting Conditions | End of Life | Bereavement | Traumatic Loss | Survivor Guilt | Meaning-Making | Leaving a Legacy

Therapy for Healthcare Providers | Stressed doctor sits outside

Provider Stress

Nurses & Doctors | Medical Support Staff | Caretakers | Residents | Trainees | Mental Health Providers | Traumatic Patient Loss | Vicarious/Secondary Trauma

Dr. Sabrina Stutz, PhD | Chronic Illness Psychologist California North Carolina

A Therapist Who Speaks Your Medical Language

Dr. Sabrina Stutz has trained and worked alongside physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals to understand the demands of various chronic conditions in both inpatient and outpatient medical settings. She has provided mental health support and spearheaded interventions in specialty clinics for endocrinology, solid organ transplant (heart, kidney, liver, lung), pulmonology (cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension), nephrology (CKD, dialysis units), craniofacial and plastics, hematology and oncology, gastroenterology, and on inpatient medical floors. Learn more about Dr. Stutz’s clinical background by clicking below.